Effects of motor fitness Components on Sileum 씨름 경기(競技)에 미치는 운동적성(運動適性)
12(0) 3-8, 1976
Effects of motor fitness Components on Sileum 씨름 경기(競技)에 미치는 운동적성(運動適性)
This experiment was carried out to investigate how motor fitness components and Sileum records are correlated.
Subjects consisted the highest rank 20Sileum players in Korea (high school students 12 and college students 80)
Motor fitness components were tested as flowing items.
1. cardiorespiratory endurance-1.5mile run.
2. muscular strength-hand grip.
3. muscular endurance-push up.
4. Flexibility-stand and reach.
5. Agility-figure 8 run.
6. Balance-modified sidewand leap test.
7. Coordination-cable jump.
8. Power-standing long jump.
9. Speed-50 yard dash.
The results are summarized as follows:.
1. There are not significant correlation between body height and Sileum results.
2. The Sileum players who had longer chest girth has good Sileum results.
3. There was not effects foot prind angles on Sileum results.
4. Muscular endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination were fitness components which required highly in Sileum.
5. Power was a motor fitness components which required second in Sileum.
6. Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and Speedts were motor fitness components which required moderately in Sileum.
7. There was little correlation between aglility and Sileum results.
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A study on the relation ships between achivements and Learning Factors 체육성적(體育成績)과 학습변인(學習變因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
12(0) 9-15, 1976
A study on the relation ships between achivements and Learning Factors 체육성적(體育成績)과 학습변인(學習變因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Problems The basic purpose of this study is to identify the relation-ships of heredity and enviromental factors to skillful achievements in physical Learning of college students. The specific problems investigated in this study are as follows:
1) Does the factors of individual qualities needs abilities arid readiness of college students affect on skillful achivements in physical learning?
2) Does the factors of Facilities, teaching methods. climates of classroom and school, Cultural back ground affect skillful achievements of college students?
3) Which factor of heredity and environments affect more on skillful achievements of college students?
Metheny test developed by Metheny was employed to investigate the motor educability derived from heredity of college student, physical Learning Environment Test was emp’oyed to investigate all the environmental conditions of college student.
The dato far this study were obtained from a random sample of fifty students, Ist grade in Inchun Teacher’s College.
Through the data treatment correlation coefficients between heredity and skillful achievement, environment and skillful achievement were calculated.
Then, significance level was found by Critical Ratio.
The results of this study as follows
1) Skillful achievement was affected more by the enviroment than heredity
2) Among the enviromental Factors, of Skillful achievement was affected more by facilities than Others.
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A STUDY ON VALIDITY OF A FEW POWER TEST ITEMS 몇 몇 순발력(瞬發力) (POWER) 측정종목(測定種目)의 타당도(妥當度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
高興煥HeungHwanKo , 黃寅勝InSeungHwang , 金泰運TaeWoonKim
12(0) 17-24, 1976
A STUDY ON VALIDITY OF A FEW POWER TEST ITEMS 몇 몇 순발력(瞬發力) (POWER) 측정종목(測定種目)의 타당도(妥當度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
高興煥HeungHwanKo , 黃寅勝InSeungHwang , 金泰運TaeWoonKim
I. The purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to find the appropriate test items in measuring the power as motor ability For this purpose, this study investigates the correlationships between power test items that come from theory of theory of physics, and power test items that come from records of physical performance tasks.
II. The limitation of the study
The limitation of present study lies in subjects and test instruments. In subjects, the present study used 30 college men, because of restriction time and cost in study. In test instruments, this study adopted photo electric machines instead of switch mat for Margaria Kalamen power test, since it is difficult to make switch mat. So that, generalization of the conclusions of this study will need careful consideration.
III. The subjects of the study
The 30 college men of department of physical education Yonsei University, were chosen and examined as the subjects. The mean age of subjects are 19.5±0.5 years, the mean height are 172.85±6.16cm, and the mean weight are 66.47±9.54kg.
IV. The test items
The test items as follows Sargent jump, standing bread jump, 50m dash with 15m running start, Gray’s power test, and Margaria Kalamen power test.
V. The testing instruments
One-hundredth second timer was used for the measurement of Margaria Kalamen power test, and conventional instruments and scales were used for motor performance task and physical examination.
VI. The treatment of the data
The mean, Standard deviation and standard errors of every measurement items were figured out and the significance and correlations between each item were analyzed by product-moment correlation coefficient. All of the data were calculated by computer at computer centr, Yonsei University.
VII. Conclusions
The brief conclusions obtained by the analysis of the datas collected age as follews
1. In the power test about motor ability, Sargent jump and standing broad jump are more valid than Margaria Kalamen power test.
2. Although the record of Sargent jump and standing broad jump is in cm as unit of distance, the record is to be evaluated as compositive factors, those are force and velocity.
3. Margaris Kalamen power test was little significant in order to test power output as explosive ability, since it is to convert force into the weight and the measure distance is limited.
4. As the power test, there was shown large correlation coefficient. 761, between Sargent jump and standing broap jumd. S.B.J preferred S.J., because the height that is extended Arm reach with stature in S.J., cannot be accurately measured.
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A Study of the effects of different Physical education Programs on the motor skill 운동기술(運動技術)의 발달(發達)을 위한 효과적(效果的)인 체육학습계획(體育學習計劃)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 여자(女子) 대학생(大學生)의 tennis 수업을 중심(中心)으로 -
12(0) 25-31, 1976
A Study of the effects of different Physical education Programs on the motor skill 운동기술(運動技術)의 발달(發達)을 위한 효과적(效果的)인 체육학습계획(體育學習計劃)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 여자(女子) 대학생(大學生)의 tennis 수업을 중심(中心)으로 -
This study was designed to develop evidence which might clarify some of the effects of learning of a motor by college women students.
The sutjectives of this study (N=60) were women students who wanted to learn thnnis at some women`s college in Seoul. class size of 20 students were used in this study. Each class were composed equally according to the result of motor fitness test. Motor fitness test using in this study were strength (grip strength) power (sarjent jump) flexibility (trunk flexion) reaction time (bargripping reaction time) endurance (sits-up), agility (burpee test) speed (50m dash)
Each class was trained by some leaders in same method as follow;
Agroup-One day (2hours a day) a week during 18 weeks
Bgroup-two day (2 hours a day) a week during 9 weeks
Cgroup-three day (2hours a day) a week during 6 weeks
The Dyer tennis skill test, Broer miller test and wisconsin wall test were used for measuring tennis skill of students.
Based on the conditions of this study, it is fairly obious that the most effective program is training three days(2 hours a day) a week during 6 weeks.
It is recommended that other studies similar to this one be under taken other studies similar to projects in which the subjects are equated various levels.
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Effect of Physique (height and weight) on Fundamental Motor Ability in Boys' Technical High - School Students 체격(體格)이 기초운동능력(基礎運動能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
12(0) 33-42, 1976
Effect of Physique (height and weight) on Fundamental Motor Ability in Boys' Technical High - School Students 체격(體格)이 기초운동능력(基礎運動能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Growth and development including fundamental motor are generally shown clearly in high School days.
This study was performed to see whether or not physiqur is related to fundamental motor ability in high School days. Three hundred Dong-do technical high School students, 100 boys in each age ranging from fifteen to seventeen were selected for the study. Heights and weights were measured for physique. And eighteen items in the national physical fitness tests were also taken for fundamental motor ability.
The findings in this study can be summarized as follows.
1. The physique was related to 100M dash, running broad jump, and throwing hand grenade.
2. The height did not appear to have a significant relation to flexibility, sit-ups, pull-ups, shuttle run, and 1,000M running.
3. The weight showed higher relation with 100M dash, running broad jump, and throwing hand grenad than height.
Above findings appear to indicate the following Suggestions.
1. The body size seemed to decide the Suggestions.
2. It is recommended that classifications should be made based on height and weight.
3. The preliminary exercise period in each regular physical education class should be taken for strengthening muscles.
4. Sex difference, regional difference, and School difference should be taken into considerarions for further similar study.
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A Study on Entrance Examinations for Department of Physical Education (based on the field tesets of colleges) 체육학과(體育學科) 입학고사(入學考査)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) (남자대학(男子大學) 실기고사(實技考査)를 중심(中心)으로)
12(0) 43-57, 1976
A Study on Entrance Examinations for Department of Physical Education (based on the field tesets of colleges) 체육학과(體育學科) 입학고사(入學考査)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) (남자대학(男子大學) 실기고사(實技考査)를 중심(中心)으로)
The purpose of this research is the secure useful data which lead to improvement of the methodology in conducting the field tests of entrance examinations for department of Physical Education. To this end, questionnaires have been sent to various colleges where department of physical education are established. The Following are the findings;
1. Among the diagnostic testsof physical strength twelve are in use. However, only a few colleges are found to deal with elements of physical strength as a whole.
2. It is ravealed that, in physical ability test. colleges are using items similar to those presently being utilized by the Ministry of Education in the Physical tests of High school students for college Entrance Examination(here-after abbreviated as "PTHSCEE"). Meanwhile, not a single college manages to make available the scores obtained from the PTHSCEE.
3. Eleven colleges (50% of the total number) exercise physical skill tests suitable for their circumstances.
4. In 1974. field test was adopted by 85% of the total colleghes, whereas, in 1975. this item was exercised by all of them. This implies that the field test has become and essential part.
5. The written test shows an uprising from 40% in 1974 to 45% in 1975.
6. The ratio of the field test and written test is about 2 to 1.
They put more stress on the written test.
The field test is adopted by all the colleges out of which the half of the total number execute the written test as well.
In the diagnostic test of physical strength it’s elements are not considered as a whole.
As physical ability test, another unnecessary overlapping of the tests are still conducted in spit of the already-obtained scores of the PTHSCEE.
physical ability test, when viewed in the light of measuring skills and future possibilities, is too inconsistent and unreasonable.
It is worth noticing that approximately 150 points-too heavy a weight are allocated to "field test" in the entrance examinations.
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An Experimental Study to Develop Records in Long Jump 멀리뛰기 기록향상(記錄向上)을 위(爲)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) (발구름각(角)을 중심(中心)으로)
李東玉DongOkLee , 李絙世HwanSehLee
12(0) 59-67, 1976
An Experimental Study to Develop Records in Long Jump 멀리뛰기 기록향상(記錄向上)을 위(爲)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) (발구름각(角)을 중심(中心)으로)
李東玉DongOkLee , 李絙世HwanSehLee
The purpose of this study was to develop records in long jump. Subjects, 412 junior high school boys selected were tested at Bong-Chun Junior High School in Seoul, during the period of 6 months from June to November in 1974.
The take-off angle should be emphasized particulary in long jump, because in actual practice the jumper usally fails to attain an optimum height.
In order to emphasize height in practice, a bar can be set up in front of the take-off board so that jumper must clear it.
The height of the bar can be raised to a point that will require the jumper to approach the idea angle.
It should be observed that the nost advantageous take-off angle is somewhere 42~45˚ from horizontal.
In these compatations on the basis of the assumptions made, the greacest distances at each speed obtained from the height of the cross bar should be set up from 40 to 80 ㎝.
The results were summarized as follows
1. The ideal hight of the cross bar: 40∼80㎝
2. The records of the experimental group were on the increase 11. 04㎝.
3. Take-off angle:
Experimental group: 32∼36˚
Controled group: 28∼34˚
4. Satisfaction degree of the experimental group were increased.
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Analyses of Personalities on the Dance major Students, And General Students 무용전무학생(舞踊專舞學生)과 일반학생(一般學生)의 성격분석(性格分析) - 여대생(女大生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
12(0) 69-74, 1976
Analyses of Personalities on the Dance major Students, And General Students 무용전무학생(舞踊專舞學生)과 일반학생(一般學生)의 성격분석(性格分析) - 여대생(女大生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
A modern education observes that the education changes, modifies and renews the personality of human being, and believes that such phenomenon varies with the environment and Inter-relation of individual.
In order to find out how the dance education have an influence on personality of individual, 143 students majoring in dance (experienced more than 5 years), and 232 general students selected at random from eight(8) universities participated in research ailed study of it through the STDCR of Chung to result in the followings:
1. Both the student majoring in Dance and General students have been in normal tendency of personality ranging from 25% to 75%.
2. The students majoring in Dance are more positive in General activity than the General students, and also progressive in dominance, reflectiveness and sociability than the General students even though there exist a slight variation.
3. The students majoring in Dance are far behind the General students in masculinity, objectivity. and emotional stability, and therefore, they are somewhat more stronger in tendency of feminity.
4. There is no big difference in impulsiveness between the students majoring in Dance and General students.
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A STUDY ON THE MOTHERS'MASS GAME - Centered on the mothers'mass game of the 56th National Athletic Meet - 어머니들의 집단무용(集團舞踊)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 제56회 전국체전 어머니 mass game을 중심(中心)으로 -
林聖愛SungAiLim , 金正子JungJaKim
12(0) 75-81, 1976
A STUDY ON THE MOTHERS'MASS GAME - Centered on the mothers'mass game of the 56th National Athletic Meet - 어머니들의 집단무용(集團舞踊)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 제56회 전국체전 어머니 mass game을 중심(中心)으로 -
林聖愛SungAiLim , 金正子JungJaKim
Mothes’mass game, titled "The Power of Mothers", was performed on the Field of Daegu Civil Ground by 660 members of Daegu city for a prelude to the 56th National Athletic Meet Oct. 7. 1975.
The authors, the leaders of mothers’ mass game, made a study of it.
The results were as follows.
1. 95.83 Percent of the mothers say that their dancing education has been very helpful during the performance.
It shows the mass game of mothers has much to do with the education of dancing in their highschool days and the education of dancing in highschools must be strengthened
2. 94.47 percent of mothers say that the mass game is very valuable as recreation.
It shows the mothers’ mass game would be an essential part for their leisure time activities.
3. Results from the study show that the strain, discontent, or uneasiness of household in spiritual aspect has diminished.
Especially 91.47 Percent of them have gained will and confidence to face every situation, and 94.76 percent of them have sprung up co-operation. It shows that mothers’ mass game has a good effect on their refinement of emotion although the mass game hasn’t great effect upon the removae of physical obstacle in menopause.
4. Results from the study show that dissention was prevailed in home and society during the training process but benevolent effect was accomplished after wards.
It reflects that educational and sound mass game of mothers can result in a food reaction.
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12(0) 83-91, 1976
For the purpose of acquiring basic knowledge to apply to the instruction of the Forehand Stroke, two seperate cameras had been used on the locus of 7 different points of two tennis beginners in college applying the Vibration Chrono Cycle Graph Method.
The following conclusion has been obtained by comparing, analysing and studying the photographs taken on horizontal moving distance, height and the degree of angle of angle of arm joint.
1. Regarding to the horizontal movement. the power of impact seemed reinforced due to the further movement of Sub. C than Sub. J by 32㎝ of Racket’s top, Wrist 26㎝, Elbow 13㎝, Shoulder 8㎝, Waist 5㎝, Knee 6㎝, and Left Foot by 28㎝.
2. Related to height, hitting was stablized as Sub. C made lower movements than Sub.J by 19㎝ of Racket’s top. Wrist 19㎝, Elbow 5㎝, Shoulder 11㎝, Waist 16㎝, Knee 14㎝ and Left Foot by 1㎝.
3. In the performance of Back Swing, the horizontal movement of the Racket top in Sub. C was shorter by 36㎝ than that of Sub. J and motioned a round back swing while Sub.J did horizontal back swing.
4. On the wrist of Arm, Sub.C maintained in the degree of more than 200 signifying that the use of the wrist was very nil and the elbow maintaining less than 180 degrees represents thehitting is in the stablized stage witty slight bend of the elbow.
5. As to the dimension of swing of the Racket’s top, Sub.C made larger circularity by 49㎝ in diameter than that of Sub.J producing stronger power.
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A study of Inflvences on Group Cohesiveness by Physical Exercises 체육운동(體育運動)이 집단(集團) 응집성(凝集性)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구(硏究)
12(0) 93-96, 1976
A study of Inflvences on Group Cohesiveness by Physical Exercises 체육운동(體育運動)이 집단(集團) 응집성(凝集性)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구(硏究)
This is to rosearch the difference which each item of physical exercises (Individual and Group) brings in the group cohesireness I picked up two middle school experimental classes and six weeks after I taught the iterm of individual games to one of them and those of group games to the other I analysed the difference of group cohesiveness between them Through the above-mentioned method
I came to fellowing conclusion
physical exercises plays a great part in increasing the Group Cohesiveness and also has a great effect especially on the items of Group Games.
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An Experimental Study on the Constitution of Track and Field Teaching Model through the Reinforcement Exercise 보강운동(補强運動)을 통(通)한 육상경기(陸上競技) 수업(授業) Model 구성(構成)에 관(關)한 실험연구(實驗硏究)
12(0) 97-107, 1976
An Experimental Study on the Constitution of Track and Field Teaching Model through the Reinforcement Exercise 보강운동(補强運動)을 통(通)한 육상경기(陸上競技) 수업(授業) Model 구성(構成)에 관(關)한 실험연구(實驗硏究)
I. Statement of problems.
In this study, the following problems are taken for the purpose of the improvement of Heigh School Girls’ track and field ability.
(1) Mode up track and field Reinforeement Exercise.
(2) The constitution of track and field Teaching Model.
(3) To establish the evaluation records of track and field for Heigh School Girls.
II. Methods.
(1) Students; Selected two Consisting of two Consisting of two groups (603 girls) that are similar in physique and physical strength, one is the experimental group and the other is the Comparative group.
(2) Research period; 1975.3.1-1976.2.28(one year)
(3) Measuring events;
① Physique; Standing Heighe, Weight, Chest Girth, Sitting Height.
② Physical Ability Testing Events; 100m dash, 800m Broad jump. Throwing. Chin Keeping. Sit-UPS. Shuttle run, Standing trunk flexion.
③ Track and Field Events; 100m, 800m, Shot Put. Running broad jump. Running highjump. Hurdle.
III. Practice Model. Model
Model ①; The Stengthen Exercise for Running Speed.
Model ②; The Reinforcement Exercise for Running Power.
Model ③; The Strengthen Exercise for Jumping Power.
Model ④; The Invigorated Training for Jumping Events.
Model ⑤; The strengthen Exercise for Throwin Power.
Model ⑥; The Strenghten Exetrcise for Fitness Factors.
Model ⑦; The Applied Circuit Training for Track and Field.
IV. Results.
The verification results to each events was Tabe 5.
V. Conclusions
(1) On the effect of this teaching Model Training, track and field ability resulted in great improvement.
It was very meaningful like that;
C-R= 2.72 (at P>0.05)
(2) In the Physical Strength Test, It showed effective results (CR=2.11 (at P<0.05)
(3) The evaluation records was found objective measuring points.
(4) During 6 months, the numerical value of High School Girls’ growth was that; Standing Height 0.4㎝, Weight 0.3㎏. Chest Girth 0.5㎝, Sitting Height 0.2㎝.